Absurdity of the marplot unbound !

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Absurdist : Duties of the rampant liberal ~ VS.~ The soul of the conservative

I must admire the the dedication to form , without substance , and emotion without honor
that is the path of the socialistic dogma driven left .
Harrison Bergeron cometh !
Absurdism respects all of the idiosynchratic shortcomings of our flawed humanity with gratitude.
Irony is my meat , and potato !
Bureaucracy is the master plan of any , and all absurdists . it is the canvas on wich i paint , and it is the hole in my sock that makes my heel stick to my inner soul .(no , i didn't mean innersole you fool ... I am an absurdist . stop correcting me . don't you know how ridiculous it is to correct an absurdist ?)
where was I . . . ?
Oh yes, the heart of the matter.FIRE CONGRESS !
We have enough laws already.
They can easily be replaced by windows office updates .
FIRE the I.R.S. !
We have a capital city that is filled with people that do one thing very well .....They raise money .
I don't mind paying taxes. I just want to decide how my money is spent .
If government wants special funding for a project let them ask politely dammit !
Whats the matter ? don't you believe in democracy ? Shouldn't the will of the people be
the determining factor in the course of our fates ?
Don't you trust us with our own resources?
Do you think we'll waste it all on video games , and candy ?
I propose a "consensuship" with referendum on each policy of , by , and for the people !
The system of checks , and balances is not functioning .
We need to bring it into the twenty first century .
One or two representatives for how many people /regions/income brackets?
Who in your government is representing you ?
Is it someone of your income level , that resides in your geographic region , with you goals ,
and your proffesional background?
Is it someone you call "peer"?
Is it an elitist/ power mad /thief that will take your family home for "eminant domain"?
Is it someone that won't pass Jessica's law because they are crooked , and greedy?
I have a magnetic strip on my banckcard that is secure enough to guard my personal funds .
I propose that it is secure enough to guard my vote (my duty as an american citizen to vote on policy/law/spending each day ....would probably
take as much time as getting my account balance and paying some bills )
Are you too lazy to really take your government by the reigns , and be responsible for your own future instead of just whining about your leaders?
Do you like the idea of a government that takes care of your every need ,and tells you what to think with clever manipulation, and fear mongering?(they can't .bureucracy exists only to perpetuate itself .)
(and leave the ridiculous to someone open to the idea of absurdity as a philanthropic service)
This country is a tremendous untapped resource ( a braintrust if you will).
Let the people govern , not a bunch of tired old salesmen , and slavering extortionists .
Who was it that said " no taxation without representation"?
What do you think that means ?
What do you think a real american would do ?
daydream about being the next american idol ?
wait for someone else to do it ?


Blogger Kenguru22@blogspot.com said...

on second thought ....nevermind.
leave everything just the way it is ,
(and try to get anything at all done...ha ha)

1:31 PM

Blogger Cynthia Bronco said...

"we have enough laws already"...
How many Americans actually know how many laws are on the books? How many federal? How many per state? It's mind-boggling, and I clearly have no clue, yet I'm sure I abide by all of the laws (even the one about peanut butter). The former Governor of New Jersey, McGreevey, signed into law that public schools must allow students to use their own photographers for their yearbook pictures if the students so request. It was so extremely important that our tax dollars went to work on that one! Now, if the law had applied to DMV photos, that'd be another story. Anyhoo, I'm faxing over some broccoli, in case your hungry. My best to Nancy & cats.

8:52 AM

Blogger Cynthia Bronco said...

"in case you're hungry"
my secretary is fired

8:54 AM

Blogger Kenguru22@blogspot.com said...

MMMMmmmmm !
fired secretary . . .
done on a spit I suppose ?
May I suggest tequila lime vinagerette marinade ?
please hold the asparagus .
(sometimes asparagus just need to be held. )

12:36 AM


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